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  1. Farm Management School

    Producers new to farming or those who operate small farms and ranches can learn how to create a business plan and develop a balance sheet from farm management experts with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State Uni ...

  2. Farm Management School

    Producers new to farming or those who operate small farms and ranches can learn how to create a business plan and develop a balance sheet from farm management experts with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State Uni ...

  3. Farm Management School

    Producers new to farming or those who operate small farms and ranches can learn how to create a business plan and develop a balance sheet from farm management experts with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State Uni ...

  4. Farm Management School

    Producers new to farming or those who operate small farms and ranches can learn how to create a business plan and develop a balance sheet from farm management experts with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State Uni ...

  5. Energize Ohio

    Energize Ohio resources and opportunities for renewable energy production, development, marketing, and education are changing the landscape of Ohio. ...

  6. 4-H News and Notes for November 16, 2015

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Volunteers: I'm looking forward to visiting with many of you at this year's 4-H Recognition Banquet this Tuesday evening November 17th!  Listed below are several important 4-H reminders and updates.  Please click t ...

  7. Achievement Record Workshop

    4-H Educator Doug Foxx will present an overview of the teen leadership opportunities available to Wayne County 4-H teens such as being a camp counselor, Junior Fair Board member, serving on the Food and Fashion Board.  Additionally there are many trips an ...

  8. 2016 ANR Summer Retreat

    Plan to bring your families  –  there are a lot of activities at Hueston Woods State Park to explore. ...

  9. News


  10. Buckeye Love 2015

    Thank you for your past support, your commitment and your passion for this great university. You are the reason Buckeye Love is stronger today than ever before. Part of its strength is that Buckeye Love means something different to everyone. For you, it m ...
