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Search results

  1. Considering Growing Wheat in Wide Rows?

    Growers may be interested in wide-row wheat production due to reductions in equipment inventory (lack of grain drill) and to allow intercropping of soybean into wheat. With funding from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program and the Michigan Wheat Progra ...

  2. Moldy Corn, Kernel Sprouting and Upright Ears

    Moldy ear and kernel sprouting problems have been reported in parts of Ohio especially west central and NW Ohio. The title photo by Sam Custer, Extension Educator in Darke County and the photo below by Dr. Pierce Paul is a good illustration of what is bei ...

  3. 2016-30


  4. Congressman Tim Ryan Discusses Mindfulness with Students

    Mahoning County Educator Beth Stefura recently coordinated a visit by U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, northeast Ohio’s 13 th district, to Rayen Early College Middle School, to meet with students regarding mindfulness. Over the hour-long session, Ryan talked about str ...

  5. Home Garden Soils


  6. Liabilities & Security Safeguards

    In today’s world, many of us have electronic data stored on multiple devices and in various locations.  Whether that’s banking information, medical information, or in the case of farmers, agricultural data, this data is entrusted to a service provider or ...

  7. 2016-29



    As we move into harvest season, everyone wants to know what is up with the weather. It does look like there could be some delays in harvest this fall especially west of Ohio. However, it does not look real significant. Historic autumns coming out of big E ...

  9. Soybean End of Season To-Do List

    Soybean variety selection is the crucial first step to a successful year and bountiful harvest.  In Ohio, we face many challenges and some of them were quite apparent in different parts of the state.  Frogeye leaf spot, sudden death syndrome, white mold a ...

  10. Is the No-Cutting Fall Rest Period for Alfalfa Really Necessary?

    The long-standing recommendation has been to take the last harvest of alfalfa by early September in northern Ohio and mid-September in southern Ohio. Every year I observe that many people do not follow this recommendation, probably for various reasons.  M ...
