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  1. Who and How of Agriculture Fertilizer Applicator Certification in Ohio?

    Ohio State University Extension’s Agriculture and Natural Resources is hosting multiple meetings for those who need to meet state requirements for the Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification program through the Ohio Department of Agriculture. A c ...

  2. Family Fishing Day

    The Hardin County Family YMCA and the Ohio Department of Wildlife are sponsoring a Family Fishing Day Saturday 06/04/2016 10:00 A.M – 1:00 P.M. Boy Scout Lake Hardin County Veterans Memorial Park   15906 St. Rt. 309 Kenton, Ohio 43326  Giveaways for child ...

  3. The Latest Weather Outlook

    There are no changes to the weather and climate outlook. We expect a rain system March 23-24 with rainfall generally under 1 inch. Another system will pass through about March 27-28 with another 1 inch or less as weather systems remain rather progresssive ...

  4. Soybean Cyst Nematode CAN be Done in the Spring

    These fluctuating temperatures that we have had this spring where we go from snow days to short days provides some opportunities to get the crews out and enjoy some nice weather.  Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode is fine to do in the spring, especially ...

  5. Winter Wheat Progress and Management

    On March 16 and 17, we visited our wheat trials in Clark County and Pickaway County. Both locations were at Feekes growth stage 5 (leaf sheath erect). In northwest Ohio, wheat is at green-up to Feekes growth stage 4. Generally, Feekes growth stage 6 occur ...

  6. Early Termination of Cover Crops

    Cover crops provide multiple benefits with regards to protecting soil from erosion, improving soil health, and as a component of a nutrient management plan.  For those cover crops that over winter and resume growth in the spring, for example, cereal rye a ...

  7. Upcoming Ag Outlook Meetings

    Join the faculty from the Ohio State University’s Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics and Ohio State University Extension as they discuss the issues and trends affecting agriculture in Ohio.  Each meeting is being hosted ...

  8. Introducing Dr. Kelley Tilmon

    In January, Dr. Kelley Tilmon joined the faculty of the Department of Entomology as an Associate Professor and State Specialist for field crop entomology. Her extension, research, and teaching programs will focus on the management of insect pests of agron ...

  9. OSU’s Corn College workshop is Feb. 10

    Producers and agriculture professionals can get an update on the 2016 corn market and learn how to budget for a profitable corn crop at a workshop led by farm management experts from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohi ...

  10. New Website Layout

    You probably noticed the new format of the C.O.R.N. newsletter in our last issue. The College has been updating all websites over the last couple of years for better security and functionality. While the template options were limited, we tried to make the ...
