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  1. Department Roundup 2015 11 20

    Welcome to the Department of Animal Sciences newsletter. Send your submissions to hendrick.17, and they will go in the next version. HELPFUL LINKS: ⇒ Ongoing Training for Faculty and Staff at Ohio State ⇒Grant Opportunities ⇒ Animal Sciences Calendar ...

  2. Recently Published / Presented

    Read about research your Animal Sciences colleagues have been publishing and learn about some special recognition. ...

  3. Dairy Judging and Club News

    The Buckeye Dairy Club is being honored with a magazine cover, while the dairy judging team turned in a strong performance at the North American Dairy Judging Contest. ...

  4. Ohio State Hosts Welfare Contest

    The 2015 Intercollegiate Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest was held November 14 and 15 at The Ohio State University. Ohio State took home a team third placing and an individual fourth placing. ...

  5. South Africa Study Abroad 2015

    May 27, 2015 Ten students recently returned from South Africa where they took part in the Exotic Animal Behavior and Welfare study abroad. A second group is currently traveling the same itinerary. Resident directors for the trips were Ms. Kelly George and ...

  6. Recent Funding

    Faculty and students recently received funding for their research and education. ...

  7. Beef 509


  8. Seminar: Ethan Carder, Kim Wilson

    Effects of increased metabolizable protein and amino acid supplementation in fresh dairy cattle on long-term milk yield AND Evaluation of the addition of charcoals to broiler diets on the recovery of Salmonella Typhimurium during grow-out and processing ...

  9. ASGSA Fundraiser


  10. OEFFA Certification Specialist

    The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association announces an immediate opening for a Certification Specialist. The successful applicant will join a team of bright and passionate individuals who are committed to upholding the integrity of the organic label a ...
