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  1. “Dinner on the Farm” Picnic /Scholarship Fund Raiser

      If you are looking for an enjoyable evening filled with great food, entertainment and fantastic view of the area north of Xenia plan to attend the Saturday June 27 Farm Forum Picnic/Scholarship Fund Raiser “Dinner on the Farm” starting at 6 p.m. The eve ...

  2. Extension Advisory Committee Meeting


  3. Morrow County Beekeepers Association Meeting


  4. Morrow County Cattlemen Association Meeting


  5. Morrow County Dairy Association Meeting


  6. Communiqué May 27, 2015

    Contents Epsilon Sigma Phi Announces Karen Bruns as 2015 Ruby Award Recipient Two OSU Extension Teams win 2015 ESP Regional Awards Ohio Extension Supporter Receives National Friend of Extension Award from ESP VP Conversation on the Future of Extension – J ...

  7. 2015 4-H / FFA Turkey Pick Up


  8. Archery Clinic

    The Aim High 4H Club of Warren County will be holding an archery clinic open to all with an interest in developing his or her archery skills. Fun for all ages and levels of experience. See flyer for more information ...

  9. Poultry Clinic **CANCELED**

    The Poultry Clinic has been canceled for this evening. ...

  10. Fun in the Woods

    Join the Greene County Master Gardeners for a fun-filled day outdoors creating Fairy Houses in the wooods! There will also be crafts and treats. This is a great way to spend family outdoors time. Your little one gets close to nature while enjoying creativ ...
