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  1. OH Dairy Farm Business Analysis Summary

    The Ohio dairy enterprise/farm business analysis summary 2013 report has just recently been released.   This is a project led by Dianne Shoemaker, OSU Extension Dairy Production Economics Field Specialist.   The report contains summary information from 35 ...

  2. The Esophageal Feeder

    Back in December the OSU Extension Beef Cattle Letter carried a very good article about using a calf esophageal feeder by Dr. Michelle Arnold, Ruminant Extension Veterinarian at the University of Kentucky.  Although the entire article is too long for this ...

  3. Ohio Saves: Save Money, Reduce Debt, Build Wealth

    One of the top three goals for the year for many of us is to save more money in 2015.  That means that we choose to spend less and choose to save more with our everyday decisions.   Here’s a program that might help all of us become better savers.  It’s ca ...

  4. Ohio Saves


  5. ChickQuest Workshop

    ChickQuest is an Ohio 4-H program that is ideal for educators, afterschool personnel and others who work with youth in 3rd-4th grade, but other grades also invited. This free wokrshop is for first time participants. An incubator, teacher guide & stude ...

  6. New 4-H Volunteer Training


  7. Pesticide & Fertilizer Re-Certification


  8. Pesticide License Exam

    You need to sign up for this Exam through ODA (  If you need help, call our office or stop in and we can help you sign up. ...

  9. Balance Sheets & Recordkeeping


  10. Dairy Luncheon

