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Search results

  1. Ohio State ranks 25th in list of world's most innovative universities

    According to a Thomson Reuter's study, The Ohio State University ranks 25th worldwide in innovation. The rankings are based on the universities’ published research, as well as on the quantity, impact and reach of their patenting activity. "Notab ...

  2. Two alumni recognized in list of outstanding under-40 businesspeople

    Both Nathan Arnold and Jack Stickle were named to this year’s “ 20 under 40 ” list in their community of Newark, Ohio. ...

  3. October 2016


  4. Hall Receives Excellence in Ag Law Award

    The American Agricultural Law Association (AALA) has honored Peggy Kirk Hall with its Excellence in Agricultural Law Award for Academia during the annual symposium in Oklahoma City on October 6 through 8.  The award recognizes AALA members for outstanding ...

  5. Grain Marketing


  6. November 1, 2016 4-H Professionals' Update

                  Ohio 4-H Youth Development 4-H Professionals’ Update Tuesday, November 1, 2016 Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center 2201 Fred Taylor Drive Columbus, OH 43210 AGENDA 8:30       Registration 9:00       Design Teams; Work Groups & O ...

  7. Retail Market Analysis

    Retail Market Analysis Program In the United States, over 10 percent of all employed persons (more than 15 million people) are employed in the retail sector. In Ohio alone, over one million. While these employees provide a valuable service in retailing (w ...

  8. Dining With Diabetes


  9. Dining With Diabetes


  10. Dining With Diabetes

