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  1. Sheep


  2. Swine


  3. Dairy Cattle


  4. There's Music in the Air

    The Hardin County Homemaker’s Council and Clubs invite you to the 66th annual Christmas Program and Luncheon, scheduled for Tuesday, December 2 at the First United Methodist Church, 234 N.Main St., Kenton.  “There’s Music in the Air” is the theme of the d ...

  5. Hardin Leadership 2014 Graduation "Graduation Dinner and Program"


  6. Hardin Leadership 2014 Session 9 "Marketing Your Community"


  7. Hardin Leadership 2014 Session 8 "The ABC's of Effective Meetings"


  8. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...

  9. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...

  10. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...
