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  1. 4-H Organizational Advisor Meeting


  2. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    The Ohio State University Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team will be presenting a class on Good Agricultural Practices or 'GAPs' to educate growers about on-farm produce safety. This class will be presented without the use of 'technology.' ...

  3. APS Workshop Agenda

    APS Workshop Agenda ...

  4. Hancock Calf Club Fun Show

    The Hancock County Calf Club invites youth with beef projects to participate in its 2nd annual fun show! There will be practice classes and showmanship.  Also a grooming clinic will be held. This is a pull-in show, beginning at 2 pm on Sunday, April 12 in ...

  5. Getting the Most Out of Manure Nutrients

    Link to a flyer for this event The program is free and open to the public; intended for persons wanting to learn the latest information about manure nutrient management. Registration is not required but is helpful. Call OSU Extension Hancock County (419-4 ...

  6. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    This will be a "hands on" demonstration of the proper pruning of fruit trees. The program is free, but reservations are requested by calling 740-653-5419 x 0 Learn more about this workshop by listening to the recent interview on WLRY's Farm ...

  7. Hancock S.T.E.M. Club Meeting

    The 2015 Hancock County 4-H S.T.E.M. Club is intended for youth in grades 4-6. Robotics will be the topic for the April and May sessions. There are still openings available, this program is limited to 21 participants. Sponsored by a grant from the Ohio 4- ...

  8. Alumni News

      Happening now: Fallfest registration and nominations for alumni awards! ...

  9. Livestock Judging Team Meeting


  10. County Wide QA Facilitator Training

