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Search results

  1. New Camp Counselor Applicant Selection Interviews


  2. Bramble, Blueberry and Winegrape Field Night

    Bramble, Blueberry and Winegrape Field Night Hosted by Dr. Gary Gao OSU South Centers will feature our blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, and wine grape research plots at our workshop.  We have both open field and high tunnel bramble production systems.  T ...

  3. Strawberry Field Night

    Strawberry Field Night Hosted by Brad Bergefurd The OSU South Centers will showcase their plasticulture and matted row strawberry field research including winter protection techniques, Israeli drip irrigation demonstration and management, row cover manage ...

  4. Applications Due for OFB Youth Capital Challenge

    For more information and Application: Ohio FFA web page ...

  5. Webinar will Review State and Federal Approaches to Agricultural Nutrient Management

    Surface applications of fertilizer and manure onto agricultural land raises concerns about water quality impacts.  Recent legal responses to increasing water quality concerns include legislation, regulatory programs and litigation.  In this free webinar h ...

  6. High Tunnel Training, Hosted by Brad Bergefurd


  7. Volume 16 Issue 1


  8. 4-H Club Advisor Update Meeting


  9. 4-H Enrollments Due


  10. 4-H Officer Training

    Sessions offered include: President/Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, News Reporter, Health Officer/Safety Officer, Recreation, and Historian. Parents and Advisors are invited to attend the break-outs with their 4-H members. An Officer Induction Cerem ...
