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  1. CARTEENS Conference

    CarTeens members are invited to attend the state conference in Columbus on Febuary 7th. Meet teens from other counties, bring home free stuff and ideas to use at your own CarTeens sessions. Call the Extension office to sign up. ...

  2. New 4-H Cloverbud Volunteer Training


  3. Farm Forum Meeting

    Auditor David Graham Shares CAUV Update        Greene Co. Auditor David Graham will share the latest information on the Current Agriculture Use Value (CAUV) tax program at the Monday Jan. 26 meeting of Greene Co. Farm Forum. The meeting will be held at Un ...

  4. 4-H Market Beef Weigh-In

    Each 4-H and FFA member that will be showing a market beef animal in the 2016 will be required to attend this event. Letters will be sent out early November to all 2015 exhibitors. ...

  5. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  6. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  7. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  8. DUE: 4-H Swine Pictures

    All 4-Her's exhibiting swine at the Greene County Fair, needs to have their pictures in today. ...

  9. DUE: 4-H Livestock Location and Animal Lease

    All 4- H members that are housing their livestock on someone else's property or leasing their livestock animal. Those forms need to be in the 4-H office today. ...

  10. 4-H New(er) Member Orientation

    All 4-H first and second year members and their parents are invited to attend this orientation. ...
