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  1. Getting the Most Out of Manure Nutrients

    Link to a flyer for this event The program is free and open to the public; intended for persons wanting to learn the latest information about manure nutrient management. Registration is not required but is helpful. Call OSU Extension Hancock County (419-4 ...

  2. Pickaway Co 4-H Horse Clinic

    Do you want to be better prepared for fair? Are you ready to participate in the new Ranch Pleasure, Small Equine Jumper in Hand or the Small Equine Hunter classes? Would you like the chance for your horse to get time in the arena prior to fair? Sessions I ...

  3. PAS Horse Show

    Fairfiled County PAS- Registration DUE JUNE 1 ...

  4. PAS Horse Show

    Fairfield County PAS Registration DUE JUNE 1 ...

  5. Hancock S.T.E.M. Club Meeting

    The 2015 Hancock County 4-H S.T.E.M. Club is intended for youth in grades 4-6. Robotics will be the topic for the April and May sessions. There are still openings available, this program is limited to 21 participants. Sponsored by a grant from the Ohio 4- ...

  6. Dairy Palooza

    DairyPalooza is a dairy oriented event offering QA training in the AM and then a series of workshops in the PM that are broke down for different levels of experience. We also have a separate Cloverbud program. There is a minimal fee with many “freebies” i ...

  7. Poultry Clinic

    OHIO AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION   2015 Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic   When:              March 28, 2015                       8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Where:            Fisher Auditorium OSU/OARDC 1680 Madi ...

  8. Recognizing Child Abuse & Neglect Training Make-up Date

    If any advisors were unable to join us on February 23rd for the training on Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect, we will have a make-up training on March 12 from 7-8:00 pm at the Extension Office. Please remember that OSU is requiring that every advisor a ...

  9. Business Development Network

    This network provides business assistance to entrepreneurs, small business owners, and manufacturers through professional, in-depth, confidential one on one business consulting. Additionally the network provides a variety of training programs and workshop ...

  10. 4-H Advisory Council

