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  1. Dining with Diabetes

    Dining with Diabetes is a series of four classes conducted by Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences and community health partners. The program includes: Live cooking demonstrations Menu planning Diabetes management Carbohydrate-coun ...

  2. Teen Opportunities

    Teens are encouraged to apply for great awards, events, and scholarships. You must be 14 or older as of January 1, 2024 to apply. Opportunities you may be eligible for include:  camp counselor, state 4-H achievement awards, award trips to Washington D.C., ...

  3. Safe Sitter

    Designed to prepare students to be safe when they're home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. ...

  4. Glen Arnold

    Glen Arnold Professor, Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management Manure Nutrient Management Systems 7868 County Road 140, Suite B, Findlay, OH 45840 419-422-3851 Glen conducts field research on using liquid livestock manure to replace ...

  5. Pickaway County Fair

    These documents will be posted as they become available for the 2024 Pickaway County Fair 2024 Junior Fair  2024 Pickaway County Fair Book  - (As of April 11, 2024) 2024 Breeding Animal Lease- Pickaway County  (Due April 15) 2024 Dairy Cattle and Dairy Go ...

  6. Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

    Become a Master Gardener Volunteer Master Gardener Volunteers in Ohio contributed over 180,000 hours of service per year with answering home horticultural questions, pest identification, school programs, demonstrations, research, and continuing education ...

  7. Pickaway County 4-H Camp

    2024 Pickaway County 4-H Camp: Pickaway County 4-H Camp Dates:  Thursday July 11 - Sunday July 14 Camp is for members who have just completed the 3rd grade through age 14 Full time participation is required. The camp is located at Tar Hollow Group Camp in ...

  8. Grand Wild and Scenic River Advisory Council

    Grand River Watershed Ashtabula, Lake, Geauga, Portage, Trumbull Jeffry Hayes Assistant Regional Scenic River Manager- NE Ohio ODNR Div. of Natural Areas and Preserves 11027 Hopkins Rd Garrettsville, OH 44231 614-546-8067 https:/ ...

  9. Greg LaBarge

    Greg LaBarge Professor, Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems Department of Extension Ohio State University Extension Agronomic Systems OSU Extension Madison County, 217 Elm St., London, OH 43140 419-460-0600 Download Greg Labarge's C ...

  10. Michael Estadt

    Assistant Professor Agronomic Crops, Farm Management with an emphasis on landlord/tenant relationships, Carbon Markets 740-474-7534 I began my Extension career in 1991 as a water quality associate that led me to serve as the Ag/NR Educato ...
