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  1. 2020 Nomination form- download


  2. Auglaize Cattlemen's Assoc. Mtg.


  3. Ag Breakfast


  4. Beef Quality Assurance

    Food companies such as Tyson Foods and Wendy’s, announced last year their intent beginning in 2019 to only purchase cattle which originate from producers and feed yards who are Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified. Therefore, many stockyards and buyers ...

  5. Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate?

    We’ve all heard those stories about how a death in the family resulted in major arguments or years of silence between descendants. Or even worse, maybe this has already been your experience. Planning for the transfer of both titled and non-titled property ...

  6. Canning Meat

    2019 Food preservation Series Gardeners and other lovers of fresh produce are often interested in extending the season's bounty by preserving fruits and vegetables and meats at home. Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences teach ...

  7. Fermentation- Sauerkraut & More

    2019 Food preservation Series Gardeners and other lovers of fresh produce are often interested in extending the season's bounty by preserving fruits and vegetables and meats at home. Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences teach ...

  8. Jams & Jellies

    2019 Food preservation Series Gardeners and other lovers of fresh produce are often interested in extending the season's bounty by preserving fruits and vegetables and meats at home. Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences teach ...

  9. Goat Clinic


  10. Coshocton County Agriculture & Natural Resources Newsletter

    The Coshocton County Agriculture & Natural Resources Newsletter is a free e-newsletter published by David Marrison.  Are you interested in receiving the newsletter to your email? Sign up today! Click the link about and subscribe or contact David Marri ...
