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  1. Ohioline


  2. CD Wire- March 14, 2016

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: That ‘Reporting Time of Year’ Kim Showalter in PD&E has been hard at work the last several weeks extracting data you’ve ent ...

  3. Montgomery County Successful Co-Parenting

    On fairgrounds across from Miami Valley Hospital, enter Montgomery County Fairgrounds gate, take first driveway to the right to the top of the hill.  OSU Extension is the building to the far right with free parking in front of the building. ...

  4. Monroe County Successful Co-Parenting


  5. Program Excellence Through Research Grant

    Extension Educator  Pat Brinkman, Fayette County, was honored recently at the National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences 2015 annual session, “Tradition to guide us, Knowledge to share, Innovation to succeed.” She was a member of the ...

  6. Farm to School

    Ohio Farm to School Ohio State University Extension’s Farm to School (F2S) program provides resources to help schools procure and serve locally produced food. The program also helps students understand where their food comes from, and how their food choic ...

  7. Ask a Master Gardener


  8. Farm to School


  9. Food: Get It Fresh & Preserve for Later

    Greene County Master Gardeners invite you to join us on Saturday, April 16th from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm at the Greene County OSU Extension Office, 100 Fairground Rd. Xenia, Oh 45385 to learn about the movement to buy local while learning how to extend the har ...

  10. Holmes County Successful Co-Parenting

    Meeting spaces is not handicap accessible, please let us know if you need accommodations. ...
