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Search results

  1. Pesticide Applicator Exam Preparation

    A private applicator applies restricted-use pesticides on his/her own land or rented land, and produces an agricultural commodity.  Want to learn more about becoming a licensed private aplicator?  Visit web site for ...

  2. Pesticide Applicator Recertification

    Fertilizer Recertification 8- 9am Pesticide Recertification 9:30am- 12:30pm (Core, 1, 2 & 6) (3, 4 & 5: Video only) Pesticide only $30- Fertilizer only $10- Both $40 and includes materials Pre-registration and pre-payment are required to the Champ ...

  3. Understanding Energy Use on Your Farm

    After extensive monitoring of energy use on farms, OSUE Associate Professor Eric Romich will explain how peak energy use raises electric costs and discusses ways to alter energy use to avoid these peak times and reduce farm energy bills.   This event requ ...

  4. Farm Bill Meeting

    This is a free event and open to the public.  We are asking for RSVP to plan for seating.   Register here  to attend the meeting. ...

  5. Pesticide- Fertilizer Recertification

    Registration Information HERE Pesticide Recertification training will begin at 12 p.m., and Fertilizer Recertification will follow at 3 p.m. ...

  6. Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification

    Registration information HERE Pesticide Recertification training will begin at 12 p.m., and Fertilizer Recertification will follow at 3 p.m. ...

  7. Beef / Dairy Steer Weigh-Tag In


  8. Dairy Feeder Clinic / QA


  9. 4-H Open House / Registration Clinic


  10. Join the OSU Email Wellness Challenge

    "Get Your Elves in a Row" Join the Email Wellness Challenge Two weekly emails will be sent directly to you from your local OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Professional. What does it cost? Nothing – it is free! Who can participate? Any ...
