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  1. Pesticide Exam


  2. Pesticide Exam


  3. Pesticide Exam


  4. Pesticide Exam


  5. Pesticide Exam


  6. Dairy Industry Update and Forecast

    Join us for a Dairy Industry Update and Forecast.  This program will focus on the changing markets, options for saving costs in dairy rations, and a look at the 2016 Dairy Summary. For registration information, click HERE ...

  7. Fertilizer Recertification and Winter Manure Management

    Join us to learn about the existing guidelines and regulations for winter manure management and earn 1-hour fertilizer recertification credits.  Handling farm stress will also be covered.   Speaker: Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension Educator For registratio ...

  8. Agricultural Feature Writing

    AGRCOMM 5135 This is a laboratory course where students will apply skills learned from earlier journalism courses to produce the AgriNaturalist, a student publication of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Prereq: 4130 (300), Co ...

  9. Coffee with the Master Gardeners

    Start your year off right by getting your seeds in order! Join us to learn about reading seed catalogues and how to make the proper selection. Speakers: David Sprague, Barb Delisio, Master Gardener Volunteer For Registration Information, click HERE ...

  10. Fertilizer Re-Cert Sessions

    For registration information, click HERE Sessions are for farmers who would like to get their recertification done in a more personal setting. Items needed: $20 Recent soil test (preferably within 1 year) Facilitator Lee Beers, OSU Extension Times availab ...
