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Project Information & Judging Requirements
* Aerospace Science * Archery * Art * Athletics * ATV * Beekeeping ...
Dining with Diabetes- Spring
Participants will learn about signs of diabetes and possible complications, and ways they can manage the condition, including simple steps to control portions and the importance of getting regular exercise. In addition, the presentations will include a he ...
Junior Fair Board Meeting- CANCELLED FOR TONIGHT
"Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference and Trade Show
This intensive conference will give you the opportunity to choose from different seminars taught by Extension professionals and industry leaders on a wide variety of agricultural enterprises. Friday, March 13 we have three hands-on “In the Field” worksho ...
Farm Forum Meeting
The Feb. 23 Greene Co. Farm Forum meeting will focus on farm safety and will include a tour of the New Jasper Fire Dept.?s Farm Rescue Trailer and Grain Rescue Equipment. Those wanting to eat a meal as part of the program need to contact Paul Ayres ...
Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training in Ada
Agricultural fertilizer applicator certification is now required for farmers who apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. This requirement was signed into law in June 2014, and also requires certification ...
Hardin County Cattle Producers Beef Banquet
Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association Lamb Banquet
Hardin County First Annual Horse Banquet
Hardin County Pork Producers Banquet