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4-H Clubs are Invited to Sponsor Recycling Containers at the Wayne County Fair
For the past five years the Wayne County Fair has been increasing its recycling efforts. This year 4-H clubs are being invited to join in the effort by sponsoring a Recycling Container. There are 3 choices for types of containers. Clubs that choose to ...
2015 4-H and FFA Market Lamb and Goat Tagging
Tagging of Market Lambs and Goats will occur on Saturday June 6, 2015 from 8:00 am – 10:30 am in the Coliseum at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. All Lambs and Goats MUST BE TAGGED to be eligible for fair participation. Details will be sent to Vo-Ag teach ...
Jamie McConnell
Jamie McConnell B.S., 2008, Bowling Green State University, Human Development and Family Science Graduate Student Status M.S. student, Agricultural Extension Home State Ohio Dr. Jeff King, PhD ...
Win A Show Pig Essay Contest
PCS Drive Thru and Markley Show Pigs have donated a barrow to be awarded to the winner of the first annual win a show pig contest. This contest is for Wayne County 4-H members only. Essays must be submitted no later than May 15, 2015 to PCS Drive Thru. ...
2015 Jr. Fair Large Livestock Champions to be Housed Together
New for 2015 – the Jr. Fair Liaison Committee and Sr. Fair Board have discussed and decided to create a Champion’s Row. Overall Grand and Reserve Champion Market Goats, Hogs, Lambs, and Beef Cattle will be housed together in the Champion’s Row! More det ...
2015 Jr. Fair Sheep and Swine Show Time Changes
For Monday of the fair (September 14th) the Swine Showmanship classes will now start at 8:00 am and the Market Lamb and Showmanship Show will begin at 3:00 p.m. or immediately following Swine Showmanship. This change was agreed to by leadership of the Sh ...
2015 Spring Tractor Supply Company 4-H Paper Clover Campaign
In addition to providing needed support to our county 4-H program – the Paper Clover Campaign is also a great time of the year for 4-H clubs to hold in-store fundraisers such as car washes and selling hot dogs. Please contact our local TSC managers to th ...
Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Kits Provide a Teaching Tool for 4-H Volunteers
Do you want to provide your 4-H Cloverbuds more fun and hands-on activities? Do you need meeting ideas? Volunteers have access to easy-to-use teaching resources for 4-H Cloverbud meetings. As the result of a generous grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation, ...
2015 4-H Project Book Reminders
The project book format for 4-H beef, goat, cavies, dairy, pocket pets, dog, rabbit, sheep and swine members includes a resource handbook that needs to be purchased once every five or more years, and a Project and Record Book that needs to be purchased an ...
2015 Dairy Palooza Bus Trip
The Wayne County 4-H and FFA Dairy Committee invites all Dairy youth to participate in the Dairy Palooza Bus Trip to the Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza East event on Saturday May 2, 2015. The bus trip will allow Wayne County youth to travel together from Wooster ...