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  1. Cloverbud Day Camp

    Who: All youth aged 5-­8 When: Monday, June 27  10:00am-­2:00pm Where: Southern Park Stables at 126 Washington Blvd. in Boardman Cost: $10 What we’ll be doing: • Getting kids outdoors • Talking about the environment • Doing some fun, science-­based activi ...

  2. Spring Plant Sale & Auction Ends 2 p.m. Saturday

    The Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens is hosting its Spring Plant Sale  through 2 p.m. Saturday. It will take place at the northwest corner of Lane Avenue and Fred Taylor Drive, rain or shine! The sale will comprise a large selection of annuals, per ...

  3. Diagnostic Workshop for Ohio State University Master Gardener Volunteers

    What:   Join other MGVs who love to learn and hone your diagnostic skills at the same time!  The morning session, "A Review of Insects and Diseases of 2015" will focus on the top pest problems observed in 2015 as well as an update on invasive in ...

  4. September 2015


  5. August 2015


  6. MG Coffee Series- Containers and Baskets

    Are you ready for new innovative ideas?  Learn to make the best containers for your lawn or patio. Join Margaret Biroschak and June Nolasco, OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers. Monday, May 16, 2016 Click HERE for complete flyer and registration.     ...

  7. July 2015


  8. 4-H Public Speaking Contests

    Encourage youth to participate in our county public speaking contests this summer! Practicing public speaking at a young age helps 4-H members develop communication skills that will benefit them throughout life. Participants will receive a certificate and ...

  9. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program- Coyotes

    Join OSU Extension’s Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists to learn about these amazing animals. Dr. Stan Gehrt, OSU Extension Wildlife Specialist and coyote expert will join us for an evening program. Dr. Gehrt will share details about coyotes, community- ...

  10. Dr. David Benfield

    Secrest Arboretum is a cherished place of refuge for Dr. David A. Benfield. This motivated his generous gift, which helps the arboretum establish a prairie garden that will educate visitors about plants that grow on Ohio’s prairies. The Welcome and Educat ...
