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  1. Pickleball tournaments registration has been extended

    Pickleball tournaments registration has been extended until Friday February 7 th. There are both singles and doubles tournaments. These tournaments are open to all BuckID holders and players can sign up to compete in both the singles and doubles tournamen ...

  2. LAST DAY for ATI apparel shop

    We will have an online store through BSN sports with Ohio State ATI apparel. Some mock ups are below. ATI is on the sleeves or sides of the caps. The team shop runs until midnight on Monday (2/3). The shop will close at 11:59:59pm on 2/3. https://bsnteams ...

  3. February 2- 8, 2025


  4. Naturalist Series: Wonders of Watersheds

    Presenter: Zack Felger, Mahoning County Soil and Water-District Outreach & Education Specialist Explore the fascinating world of watersheds, from how they function to the aquatic life they support. Learn practical ways to protect these essential ecosy ...

  5. Taste of OSU FRIDAY

    A Taste of OSU is an evening of cultural performances on stage, exhibits and food from around the world provided by more than 40 different international clubs on the Columbus campus. ...

  6. Garden Art Series- Fairy Garden

    2025 Garden Art Series The Mahoning County Master Gardeners will lead hands-on garden art demonstrations that participants will be able to make and take home. Workshops run on the second Wednesday of the month April-December at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning Cou ...

  7. 8th Annual Plant Sciences Symposium

    February 13-14, 2025 The Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center 2201 Fred Taylor Dr, Columbus, OH 43210 Please join OSU's 8th Annual Plant Sciences Symposium! This year's event will kick off on February 13 with a panel session focused on c ...

  8. Naturalist Series: Hunting Wild Mushrooms in Eastern Ohio

    Presenter: Erika Lyons,  OSU Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources This session will cover the ecology and identification of fungi along with the basics of hunting wild mushrooms. We will also cover some common fungi found in eastern Ohio. ...

  9. Naturalist Series: Flower Dancers and Munching Marvels: The Butterflies and Moths of Ohio

    Presenter: Marne Titchenell,  OSU Program Director, Wildlife Join us as we learn about the biology and identification of some of Ohio’s butterflies, moths, and caterpillars, including how they live, their habitat needs, and garden plants and practices to ...

  10. Naturalist Series: Ohio Mammals

    Presenter: Monika Bowman Bell, Wildlife Communications Specialist with the ODNR Division of Wildlife Join Monika Bowman Bell, Wildlife Communications Specialist with the ODNR Division of Wildlife as we explore the ecology of Ohio mammals. We will discuss ...
