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  1. Urban Ag Community

    URBAN AG COMMUNITY OVERVIEW Ohio’s urban agriculture community involves a variety of interests. A Communitiy Capitals framework illsutrates the interrelated aspects within urban areas, and along the urban-rural continuum. Local OSU Extension teams collabo ...

  2. Urban Agribusiness

    URBAN AGRIBUSINESS Overview Urban agribusiness resources benefit both for-profit and non-profit enterprises interested in economic and financial sustainability. Many individuals and organizations support the supply, production, processing, aggregation, ma ...

  3. Urban Ag Production

    URBAN AG production: What, how, where, WHY Many people are involved in urban ag production, based on multiple interests in what, where, how, and why they are in production. What: fresh and value-added food, environmental horticulture, ag- and nature-based ...

  4. Morning with the Masters: Gardening for All Ages and Abilities

    Gardening for All Ages and Abilities Join our Master Gardener Volunteers to discuss options to make gardening easier and more accessible for people with limitations. We offer some tips to those with limited physical ability and gardening skills to make ga ...

  5. Ohio’s Urban Ag Community

    Introduction This online resource hub connects people and resources in ways that address the breadth and depth of urban agriculture production, agribusiness, and community interests at national, state, and local levels. Urban Ag Production / Urban Agribus ...

  6. Partnerships & Community Capitals

    A Community Capitals Approach to Extension Networks and Partnerships Resources for leaders to better understanD, develop, and leverage community capitals, university-community networks, and partner relationships The following information was prepared for ...

  7. USDA Announces Grants and Technical Assistance Funding for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  8. Master Gardener Scholarship Applications Being Accepted

    The Miami County Master Volunteers are offering a scholarship to a student pursuing higher education in a horticulture, environmental science, natural resources, conservation, agriculture field or have plans to be an educator in one of these fields. To qu ...

  9. Paw Paw for the Home Garden

    To view the program flier, click HERE Did you know that the Paw Paw is the state fruit of Ohio, and is the largest edible fruit native to the U.S.? Join us to learn more about the Paw Paw tree, its growth and physiology, and how this unique plant fits int ...

  10. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

