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  1. 4-H Cake Decorating, Food & Nutrition Project Judging

    Judging Schedule for July 9 9:00 a.m. Let's Start Cooking (A-D) Racing the Clock to Awesome Meals 9:30 a.m. Let's Start Cooking (E-Gi) Party Planner: A 4-H Guide to Quantity Cooking 10:00 a.m. Cake Decorating, Jr (A-G) Let's Start Cooking ( ...

  2. Central State University Contact

    Any educator contacted by representatives of Central State University needs to refer them to Ken Martin. These contacts can include requests for information, requests to serve on advisory committees/councils, requests to plan and conduct programs, etc. Th ...

  3. Journal Information

    A note from Andy Londo: Publishing in peer reviewed outlets benefits all of us, and is a requirement for those in faculty positions. It not only provides peer review validation for the quality of your work, but increases the body of knowledge in your subj ...

  4. 4-H Writing Projects to be submitted

    Writing notebooks are due for pre-judging review. Writing projects include: 587- Writing and Reporting for Teenagers; and 588- Creative Writing for Teens Interviews will be held during Miscellaneous Project Judging on Tuesday, July 14 at First Presbyteria ...

  5. Camp Counselor Meeting

    This is the final day-long camp counselor meeting prior to Hancock Jr Camp at 4-H Camp Ohio on June 25-29 ...

  6. OSUE Annual Conference

    Many of the staff from OSU Extension Hancock County will be in Columbus for these two days attending this conference.  What opportunities does Annual Conference provide for Extension professionals? Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of E ...

  7. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...

  8. Farm Science Review

    The Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio is home to the Farm Science Review (FSR), which attracts more than 140,000 visitors from all over the United States and Canada, who come for three days to peruse 4,000 product lines from 600 commercial ...

  9. Farm Science Review

    The Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio is home to the Farm Science Review (FSR), which attracts more than 140,000 visitors from all over the United States and Canada, who come for three days to peruse 4,000 product lines from 600 commercial ...

  10. Farm Science Review

    The Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio is home to the Farm Science Review (FSR), which attracts more than 140,000 visitors from all over the United States and Canada, who come for three days to peruse 4,000 product lines from 600 commercial ...
