Search results

Search results

  1. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  2. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  3. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  4. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference


  5. 2025 Agronomy School (Wooster)

    The Ohio State University Extension, Wayne County, will be hosting their 2025 Agronomy School on February 4 th.  This year’s program will feature presentations which focus on targeting input costs for the 2025 growing season.  We will feature a variety of ...

  6. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This q ...

  7. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This q ...

  8. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This q ...

  9. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee

    OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This q ...

  10. 4-H Professionals In-Service

    Food: light morning snacks, lunch, and an afternoon dessert will be provided. Attire: please wear your OSU nametag and business casual attire. Agenda: a draft agenda is attached to this email. While not yet final, it will give you a good idea of what to e ...
