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Search results

  1. Miami County Fair August 9-15

    Please note our physical office will be closed August 9-15.  We will have a booth at the Duke Lundgard Building.  We look forward to seeing you out and about at the Miami County Fair! ...

  2. Let's Get Pickling!

    Looking for ways to enjoy those cucumbers and peppers growing in your garden all year long? Join OSU Extension as we learn the safest ways to pickle and preserve your produce. We will have a hands-on demonstration as well as lots of tips to ensure a quali ...

  3. Pick-A-Way to Better Health

    Want to learn more about the healthy options we have right here in Pickaway County? Join us for our first virtual meeting! ...

  4. Making Foods at Home to Sell

    Join our food scientists for virtual Q&A Sessions! Our food scientists want to engage with new and experienced home-based food producers. Join them for monthly Q&A's that will briefly introduce various topics and allow plenty of time for disc ...

  5. Srikanth Ponneganti

    Srikanth Ponneganti Post Doctoral Researcher 333C Parker Food Science and Technology 2015 Fyffe Road- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  6. Meet NASA Simunaut Fuanyi


  7. Meet NASA Simunaut Sakura


  8. Meet NASA Simunaut Mehr


  9. Ana Maria Velasquez Giraldo

    Ana Maria Velasquez Giraldo FABE PhD Student 266L Parker Food Science and Technology 2015 Fyffe Road- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  10. Sr Rabbit/Cavy Council

