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Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Day
The Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Technology Day will offer farmers and crop consultants a chance to focus on nutrient management. Topics include: Soil phosphorus recommendations Soil nitrogen rate and source considerations Nitrogen timing and placement str ...
Stakeholder Perspectives on the Bioeconomy
A multistate research team aimed at developing America’s biobased industry — biobased products, bioenergy and the like — will meet to discuss what might be blocking the road and ways to move ahead. The group’s members come from nearly three dozen U.S. lan ...
Super Berry School
To help berry growers — new and experienced alike — learn how to produce elderberry, aronia, goji and other berries, horticulture and viticulture experts from the college are offering a Super Berry School Workshop topics include: Elderberry, Aronia Berry, ...
Pumpkin Field Night
For novice and experienced pumpkin growers and crop consultants – this event will focus on multiple topics including current and unregistered fungicides used to control powdery mildew and offer a first-hand view of their efficacy in demonstration trials, ...
Managing Wildlife Conflicts in your Landscape Workshop
Seen coyotes near your home? Do deer eat your shrubs down to nubs? Get tips on what to do in a workshop led by wildlife experts Stan Gehrt and Marne Titchenell of The Ohio State University. The Good, the Bad and the Hungry: Managing Wildlife Conflicts in ...
Market Beef Steer, Market Dairy Steer & Market Heifer Weigh-In & Tagging
All 4-H and FFA members who are taking a market beef steer, beef heifer or dairy steer project must have the animals tagged and weighed in order to take the animals to the 2016 Champaign County Fair. For full details and a Cattlemen's Certificate, pl ...
Three Honored for Long-Time Dedication and Commitment: Beuerlein, Gahn and Moser to be Inducted into Farm Science Review Hall of Fame
LONDON, Ohio – The Farm Science Review Hall of Fame will welcome its 23rd class of inductees at the Vice President’s Luncheon on Sept. 18. Jim Beuerlein, Michael Gahn and Bobby Moser have been selected for induction because of their contributions to the s ...
Ohio State Names New VP for Agricultural Administration
COLUMBUS, Ohio- The Ohio State University today named alumnus Bruce McPheron vice president for agricultural administration and dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. McPheron is currently dean of the College of Agricultura ...
Hort & Crop Science Graduate Research Retreat
Contact info: Regina Vann Hickok, Location: Kottman Hall Auditorium, Columbus Who is invited: HCS graduate Students, postdoc, visiting scholars and faculty, and those with an interest in graduate studies. Purpose of events: Share graduate r ...
Hort & Crop Science, Plant Pathology and Entomology Welcome Back Cookout
Contact info: Regina Vann Hickok, Location: Kottman Hall Gazebo Who is invited: Friends, Faculty, Staff and Students of the Horticulture and Crop Science, Plant Pathology and Entomology Departments. Purpose of events: bringing students and ...