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  1. Fairfield County Homemakers

    Spring Tea Program- gardening ...

  2. Growing Apples in Home Gardens Using IPM

    Please join the Master Gardeners for a Webinar on "Growing Apples in Home Gardens Using IPM" on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm.  There is no registration required, and feel free to bring your brown bag lunch. This webinar will b ...

  3. map for scheirmeier


  4. Lunch & Learn: Critter Control in Your Garden

    Join OSU Extension and Tommy Springer, Wildlife Specialist with Fairfield SWCD as we talk about ways to protect your garden from wildlife damage. ...

  5. Departure Decisions and Movement Behavior of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover

    An ENR Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Bryant C. Dossman, Masters student in the Fisheries and Wildlife Science specialization area. His presentation will be Departure Decisions and Movement Behavior of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover. T ...

  6. Antarctic Ice Sheet Evoluation and the Earth Climate

    The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Winter Seminar welcomes Flavio Justino, Universidade Federal de Vicosa, who will present Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution and the Earth Climate. This seminar will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the Byrd Polar Learning Center ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Due

    All Ohio 4-H Conference registrations (Volunteers and Teens) are due to the Fairfield County Extension Office by 4 pm. ...

  8. MXC Registration Due

    All MXC Counselor Camp Registrations are due to the Fairfield County Extension Office by 4 pm on Wednesday, January 28, 2015! ...

  9. Express Services

    Offered every Friday through Spring 2015 semester in 210 Kottman Halll. Think of ENR Express Services as your advising minute clinic!  You will have a 15 minute time slot to help you with questions you may have on career services and scheduling. Please no ...

  10. Express Services

    Offered every Friday through Spring 2015 semester in 210 Kottman Halll. Think of ENR Express Services as your advising minute clinic!  You will have a 15 minute time slot to help you with questions you may have on career services and scheduling. Please no ...
