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  1. EPN March Breakfast

    The Environmental Professional Network will present  One Water-- Changing the Way America Views, Values, and Manages Water. The presenter for this program will be Radhika Fox, CEO, US Water Alliance & Director, Value of Water Coalition. This breakfast ...

  2. OARDC Annual Research Conference

    A poster competition will be held during the OARDC Annual Research Conference on, Thursday, April 21, 2016 at The Shisler Conference Center, Wooster Campus. Competition is open to any currently enrolled M.S. or Ph.D. student, or those who received their g ...

  3. SENR represented at this year’s OEFFA Conference

    The Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association (OEFFA) is hosting its  37th Annual Conference: Growing Right by Nature  this weekend. Starting on Friday, Feb. 12 and running through Sunday, Feb. 14, the conference features approximately 100 workshops, lo ...

  4. Brian Lower on OFB's Town Hall Ohio Radio Program

    A conversation on environmental issues was held on Town Hall Ohio with guest speakers Brian Lower, associate professor in the SENR, and Larry Antosch with the Ohio Farm Bureau. Ohio airways will carry this on the following stations: Flagship station 610 W ...

  5. SENR Professor on the Air this Weekend

    Brian Lower, associate professor in the  School of Environment and Natural Resources, is a featured guest on the Town Hall Ohio radio show airing this weekend (Feb. 13-14). For Columbus listeners, the show airs at 7 a.m. on Sunday morning on 610 WTVN.   T ...

  6. Grains for ecosystem carbon management in North East India

    Nath, Arun Jyoti, Rattan Lal and Ashesh Kumar Das. 2015. Grains for ecosystem carbon management in North East India. Current Science  109(8):1387-1389. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  7. 7th Annual Midwest Bat Working Group Meeting & Conference

    On April 21-22, 2016 the Midwest Bat Working Group (MWBGW) will be having its annual meeting at the Ohio Union. The MWBWG is a group of professional biologists in state, federal, academic, and private organizations as well as students, traditional and non ...

  8. Research to Practice Webinar Series

    The Ohio's Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Research to Practice webinar series is designed to help OCVN members gain awareness of findings from contemporary research on Ohio's environment and natural resources as well as some resources and ...

  9. EEOB 2016 Darwin Presentations

    EEOB's Darwin Presentations include David Salazar-Valenzuela who will present 'Phylogenomics and Historical Demography of the Ultimate Pitviper (Bothrops asper species complex): An Almost-model Organism,' Jennifer Hellmann who will present ...

  10. Past Events

