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  1. 4-H Clubs are Invited to Sponsor Recycling Containers at the Wayne County Fair

    For the past five years the Wayne County Fair has been increasing its recycling efforts.  This year 4-H clubs are being invited to join in the effort by sponsoring a Recycling Container.  There are 3 choices for types of containers.  Clubs that choose to ...

  2. Spring 2015 Commencement

    Ohio Stadium starting at 12:00 PM Commencement at The Ohio State University is a festive and joyous occasion at which family and guests are welcome to celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating class. ...

  3. Citizen Science and Backyard Birds: Building Capacity for Wildlife Conservation in an Urbanizing World

    A Doctoral Scholarly Seminar will be presented by Jennifer S. Malpass, PhD Candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, on Tuesday, May 5 th at 9:00 a.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. Jennifer will present Citizen Science and Backyard Birds: Building Capacity for ...

  4. 2015 4-H and FFA Market Lamb and Goat Tagging

    Tagging of Market Lambs and Goats will occur on Saturday June 6, 2015 from 8:00 am – 10:30 am  in the Coliseum at the Wayne County Fairgrounds.  All Lambs and Goats MUST BE TAGGED to be eligible for fair participation.  Details will be sent to Vo-Ag teach ...

  5. Poster Awarded First Place at Undergraduate Research Forum

    Out of 62 posters in the agriculture/environmental science category, SENR undergraduate researcher Samantha Stoklosa's poster, "Brood Parasitism on Northern Cardinals: Relationship between Distance to Edge on Early Clutch Initiation" was aw ...

  6. Botulism: What is it?

    Botulism is the name of a rare but serious foodbourne disease we get by consuming the toxin of bacteria Clostridium botulinium ...

  7. SENR's Professor Sharp on All Sides with Ann Fisher Today

    In the second hour of All Sides with Ann Fisher on WOSU (89.7 fm) Professor Sharp will be one of three guests discussing modern rural renewal.   ...

  8. Listeria: What is it?

    Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium found frequently in the environment. This bacterium can cause the serious foodborne illness “listeriosis.” ...

  9. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, and Cephalosporin-Resistant E. Coli Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio

    A Graduate Defense Seminar by Laura Binkley, MS Candidate, Fisheries and Wildlife Science, who will present Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, and Cephalosporin-Resistant E. Coli Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in C ...

  10. SENR Co-sponsor of Event with Global Energy Expert

    The Ohio State Office of Energy and Environment is pleased to welcome Dr. Daniel Yergin who will present  The Quest: The Future of Energy. The event starts at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, in the Ohio Union Griffin East Ballroom.The event is free and ...
