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“Dinner on the Farm” Picnic /Scholarship Fund Raiser
If you are looking for an enjoyable evening filled with great food, entertainment and fantastic view of the area north of Xenia plan to attend the Saturday June 27 Farm Forum Picnic/Scholarship Fund Raiser “Dinner on the Farm” starting at 6 p.m. The eve ...
Wooster's Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance Open House and Plant Sale
Wooster’s Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance will hold an open house and rose plant sale. Admission is free and open to the public. Sale proceeds will go to support the plants’ care. The open house also will have live music and a rose pruning demonstra ...
LSFSC and LANDFIRE Webinar Got Veggies?
LANDFIRE and Lake States Fire Science Cconsortium will co-host this webinar about the review and overhaul of more than 1,000 vegetation models that serve fire science communities and land management planners. Connect through Carmen Connect at carmenconnec ...
Welcome New and Returning Students
We are excited to welcome our new students and our returning students to the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Nearly 59 new freshmen, 36 new transfer students and 23 graduate students are joining us this semester. The School offers 46 distinct ...
ENR 5194 Submit Photos
Studying Methanotropic Bacterial Diversity in Ohio Soils Using High-Throughput Sequence Analysis
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Aditi Sengupta, PhD Candidate on Wednesday (6/17) at 9:00 a.m. in 333C Kottman Hall with a link to 117A Williams Hall. Aditi will present Studying Methanotropic Bacterial Diversity in Ohio Soils Using High-T ...
Express Services Offered for Students This Week
The School of Environment and Natural Resources’ Academic Team in 210 Kottman Hall resumes its' normal Express Services' schedule (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) on Fridays. Express Services are offered in order to assist as many students as possible. We se ...
Endangered Species Act Workshop
The Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University; Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlfe; Ohio State University Extension, Woodland Stewards Program invite you to a workshop on the ...
EPN June Breakfast Club
The June EPN Breakfast presents A Summer Delight-- EPN Breakfast at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park with Larry Peck, Deputy Director, Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks. Mac Albin, renowned naturalist, will share Darby Creek natural and social histo ...
What the Muck? Managing Ohio's Freshwater Assets
From Lake Erie, across fields of corn and soybeans and in streams, rivers and inland lakes freshwater is lifeblood for people, crops, and animals. But only people have the power to impact waters use, maintain or restore its quality and ultimately control ...