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Quality Assurance Testing
Cloverbud Reading Adventures
At each session we will read a different children's book and participate in crafts, games, and other activities to go along with the story. At the end of each program, everyone gets to pick out a free book to take home. We will have refreshments at t ...
Rabbit Clinic
Broiler Pickup
4-H Junior Camp at Camp Ohio
4-H Junior Camp at Camp Ohio will be July 21-25, 2015. Registration information and scholarship applications will be sent to all age-eligible members in May. 4-H Junior Camp Letter and Information (2 pages) Ashland County 4-H Junior Camp Registration due ...
Cloverbud Fun Days
Cloverbuds will receive registration information in late May. 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Form (2 pages) Click here for more information on upcoming Cloverbud Activities! ...
Volunteer Training
Spring Break Science Camp- FULL
Spring Break Science Camp- Kitchen Chemistry Amaze your friends by performing scientific experiments with supplies you have in your kitchen. Lots of hands-on fun! To be held at the Ashland County Extension Office, 1763 State Route 60, Ashland. Lunch is in ...
DEADLINE to add, change projects, horse registrations/lease forms
4-H Enrollment Forms due for Fair Participation!!!