
Search results

  1. Genetics & Genomics

    also to reduce production cost, improve disease resistance, improve utilization of feed resources, and ...

  2. Pumpkins

    management under a typical south central Ohio growing season.   Planned Scope of Research:    Crop ... performance evaluations were monitored and recorded relative to standard varieties and growing practices at ... observed and recorded.  Plant growth characteristics, insect and disease susceptibility and tolerance were ...

  3. Elderberries

    yield and highest quality, it will be beneficial to grow elderberries on raised beds to improve soil ... critical to collect the cuttings that are free of insect, disease, and cold damage. Cuttings can be rooted ... grape cuttings. Keep cuttings moist and warm. Buds will break first before rooting. Shoots will grow for ...

  4. Currants and Gooseberries

    disease, threatening the lucrative timber business in the United States.  Ribes were implicated as the ... interest in growing.  A few researchers have kept the Ribes research programs going in the US and Canada.  ... As consumer’s demand for nutritious local foods increases, there is a renewed interest in growing ...

  5. AgritourismReady

    enterprises, which in turn increases the preparedness of the communities in which they exist. In addition to ... updated information from industry experts, and learn about trends happening in agritourism across the ...

  6. ‘Market’ Research: How a field trip helped transform the Pike Outreach Food Pantry

    two thirds have someone in their household with some other kind of chronic disease like hypertension ... or heart disease,” said Remley, a nutrition and wellness specialist who acts as a “coach” for the ...

  7. Aquaculture News

    and boost the economies of coastal, great lake, and rural communities. There is a growing interest in ...

  8. Welcome

    personally. Last year’s theme, Growing Our Comfort Zones, may have provided a foundation for what we have ... leaps over the next two days to grow, recharge and renew your commitment to resilience... Enjoy the ...

  9. SBDC at South Centers: Here to support you

    businesses with regular updates on COVID-related funding opportunities throughout the past year as well as ... works closely with lenders, reducing risk and streamlining access to capital. That, in turn, makes it ...

  10. Introduction to Planting and Growing Hops in Ohio

    Introduction to Planting and Growing Hops in Ohio Videos Introduction to Hop IPM Marketing Wet ... USA Hops Points to Consider Before Starting an Ohio Hops Growing Business- Brad Bergefurd, OSU Hop ... and Pelletizing in Ohio- Hannah Scott, Ohio Cooperative Development Center 2015 UVM Research Update ...
