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Supporting Ohioans of all ages: CFAES at the Ohio State Fair
4-H helps grow tomorrow’s thinkers, innovators, and entrepreneurs,” said Kirk Bloir, state 4-H leader. ... “At Ohio 4-H, they inspire curiosity, fuel adventure, and build lifelong skills to grow tomorrow’s ...
Tri-State Industry Conference
features and services, and collaborate with an ever growing number of planning and sponsoring partners. ...
Ticks and mosquitoes are waiting on you
period for Lyme disease because nymphal blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks, are most active in ... May and June,” he said. While Lyme disease doesn’t manifest in every case, Lyme disease symptoms can ... on testing and treatment,” McDermott said. “ Ticks and the diseases they transmit have been steadily ...
Growing the next generation
Seward (back) striking a pose with fellow camp advisors. For Andrew Seward, seven-year member of the Knox County Ohio 4-H program, 4-H meant camp and the county fair. “Sheep projects were a constant over the years, and as I got older, I became more involv ...
A fair kid, through and through
Virgil Strickler Growing up in Fairfield County, Ohio, Virgil Strickler’s summers were devoted to ...
CFAES faculty named 2024-25 Fulbright Scholars
we are hosting in Columbus in July.” Jacobs, associate professor of emerging infectious disease ... cause diseases of humans, animals, and plants,” Jacobs said. “We will work together to provide solutions ... diseases and to train students at Udelar. His long-term goal is to develop an international-based course to ...
Ohioans grow their own food with victory gardens
asked Americans to grow their own food to support the war effort. The program was a popular one and was ... State University Extension in Clark County. “People wanted to know how to grow vegetables. We got calls ... food banks. And several counties dedicate community gardens solely to growing food for those who need ...
Moderate to larger-than-moderate harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie
of the forecasted range. NOAA will issue a seasonal forecast update in late July based on observed ... NOAA has updated the forecast model algorithms. For the last 10 years, the models used data from ...
OSU Extension offers food safety tips for your July Fourth picnic
during partial cooking can allow these bacteria to grow to unsafe levels,” she warns. “Instead, opt for ...
The Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex
agriculture can help meet the nutritional needs of a growing global population. Perishable crops can be raised ...