
Search results

  1. Ohio State to Conduct Wide Range of Shale-Related Research

    focusing their expertise on the shale energy industry in Ohio. With the industry growing at a rapid pace in ... issued more than 850 drilling permits since 2010, a number that grows weekly. While not all permits will ...

  2. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    minimize water pollution and feed the growing population in the world.” No-till farming does come with ...

  3. Student Farm: What We Grow


  4. Infectious Disease Institute Discovery Talks- Columbus, Ohio

    Besma Abbaoui and Dr. Jessica Cooperstone will present as part of the presentation on how Ohio State is combatting the leading cause of mortality. ...

  5. Olentangy Corridor Gardens

    branches typically remain on the tree as it ages, often touching the ground. It is a slow-growing tree that ... over time may grow to 40-60 feet. Subsp. stenocoma is a columnar form that is particularly noted for ... and will grow in Zone 5. Thorny vs "Unarmed" Locust Gladitsia triacanthos  – Thorny Locust ...

  6. Announcing a New On-line Resource for Farm Safety & Health

    State University; Charles Schwab, Iowa State University; and John Myers, Centers for Disease Control and ...

  7. Clean Water for Ohio: New Partners, Projects, Funding are Growing Field to Faucet

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – In the year since the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University launched its Field to Faucet program, significant strides have been made to improve Ohio water quality.   ...

  8. Defying the Laws of Nature


  9. Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines

    Martha Filipic WOOSTER, Ohio — It’s been 20 years since agronomists have developed fertilizer recommendations in Ohio. But now, Ohio State University Extension is embarking on a major initiative to determine the optimal rates of fertilization on the state ...

  10. Farm to School Opportunities Growing Across Ohio

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Proposed bipartisan legislation introduced into Congress last week that calls for increased funding for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School program could, if passed, lead to more schools expanding or adding the fresh foods ...
