
Search results

  1. Ohio State Named National Champion in Environmental March Madness Tournament

    their specialization. The EEDS major is the fastest-growing major on campus. The integration of ...

  2. Ohio State’s First Green Roof Makes Debut

    use will be drained away,” Welsh said. Then, about 4-6 inches of lightweight growing medium, ...

  3. Ohio State Receives $6.5M Grant for Bioenergy, Biofuel Research

    digestion process as a fertilizer to grow giant miscanthus on strip-mined land not suitable for traditional ...

  4. Chow Line: Turn tables on food ads: Make veggies fun

    We tend to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit at home, not only during meals but for snacks too. But our daughter seems to be getting less interested in “good” food and is asking for more sweets and salty snacks. How can we steer her back to healthy eating ...

  5. Hope Grows


  6. Manure Pit Safety for First Responders

    growing season for their crops. There are many dangers that come with a manure pit. The biggest dangers ...

  7. OARDC Scientist Leads New Great Lakes Fire Science Consortium

    consortium’s website features, for example, news and updates about fire science in the region, a list of coming ...

  8. Farm S.O.S (Strategies On Safety)

    information on hazardous traffic patterns, SMV (Slow Moving Vehicle) emblems as well as local laws and ...

  9. Ohio State to Conduct Wide Range of Shale-Related Research

    focusing their expertise on the shale energy industry in Ohio. With the industry growing at a rapid pace in ... issued more than 850 drilling permits since 2010, a number that grows weekly. While not all permits will ...

  10. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    minimize water pollution and feed the growing population in the world.” No-till farming does come with ...
