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  1. Gypsum Spread on Farms Could Help Keep Water Clean, Not Green

    an essential crop nutrient increasingly in short supply in some soils, especially ones used to grow ...

  2. OSU Entomologists: Stink Bugs Could Injure Corn in Addition to Soybeans

    growing on the back side giving the ear a characteristic banana-shaped appearance,” he said. “The shuck ...

  3. Reducing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    heart disease.  Stress makes the heart beat faster, preparing the body for action. However, prolonged ...

  4. Farm Science Review to Offer Farmers First-Time View of Unmanned Aircraft System for Agricultural Use During Field Demos

    continues to grow, the use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones) has the potential to be among the most ...

  5. Ohio State Researcher Nets $900,000 NSF Grant to Study Vacant Lot Biodiversity, Management in Cleveland

    growing inventory of vacant land as a means of integrating natural systems into the built environment. ...

  6. Ohio State Weed Specialist: Do Legwork to Stop Spread of Costly Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

    amaranth, which can grow 3 inches a day, can release nearly a half-million seeds per plant. And because the ...

  7. Proof Positive: Study Verifies Substantial 4-H Impact on Youth

    projects that A.B. Graham started with-- how to grow better plants and testing different ways to do that, ...

  8. Calibrate Your Sprayer to Save Money on Pesticides

    object. Then, fill the sprayer with water, turn the pump on and check the flow rate of each nozzle, at the ...

  9. Ohio State University Offers Agritourism Safety Tips for Consumers, Farmers

    educator. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college. Agritourism is a significant and growing ...

  10. OSU Extension Offers Guidance for Reseeding Pasture in Pipeline Rights-of-Way

    and begin to grow they will not compete well with aggressive warm season annual weeds such as foxtail ...
