
Search results

  1. Zero Waste, Big Benefits: Ohio State to Hold Course on Large-scale Composting

    Compost Operator Education Course. “There’s a growing ‘zero-waste’ movement around the country and in ...

  2. Ohio State Team Promotes Nature-based 'ECO-farming'

    which means keeping a living, growing crop on the soil year-round. Islam said living plants and roots ...

  3. New ‘Critically Sensitive’ Technology Providing Potential for Broad Range of Scientific Discovery

    platform has the potential to open doors for new discoveries in disease prevention and treatment as well as ...

  4. New Bio-fertilizer Can Increase Hydroponic Vegetable Growth: Ohio State Trials

    the hydroponic industry can grow lettuce more efficiently and we don't have to import it ...

  5. Manure Science Review

    inject it 3 to 5 inches into the soil between the rows of growing corn. The manure in the ground is then ...

  6. Heart-Healthy Garden Program: ‘The Gift that Keeps on Giving’

    icing on the cake. “In fact, I’m going to make my own raised beds and grow enough to hand out to people ...

  7. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of May 19

    740-489-5300. UPDATED: May 22: Secrest AfterHours, 5-6 p.m., Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s ... Creek Road (County Road 44), Wooster. Event will feature updates on research projects, including on ...

  8. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    indicates awareness of the problem could be growing. “But it’s still amazingly low,” he said. “If we can ...

  9. Do the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ Birds Live in Ohio?

    “greatly limited by fire blight, a bacterial disease, and occasional spring frosts,” says the college’s ...

  10. Ohio State Experts Offer Tips on Best Management Practices to Keep Phosphorus on the Field, Improve Water Quality

    soybeans as part of an overall effort to update the Tri-State fertility recommendations for Ohio soybeans. ...
