
Search results

  1. Asiatic Garden Beetle Potential Problem in Northern Ohio Corn Fields, Sandy Soils

    mouthparts. Growers statewide who have corn growing in sandy soils should start scouting for this pest, ...

  2. Study Abroad Programs: Preparing Global Citizens, Boosting Academics

    learn and grow as educators,” McMullen said a few days before leaving. “We will help with the ...

  3. Environmental Science Online Courses Offered

    enrolled in the course during the first month, and we expect this number to grow to several thousand ...

  4. Conference Offers Advanced Scouting Techniques Training for Crop Advisers and Farmers March 5-6

    Tracy Turner   ADA, Ohio – Amid growing questions about the impact of nematodes on corn yields in ...

  5. Happy Healthy Holidays – How to manage your work and health while indulging in holiday treats and parties

    use small pieces, and include nuts with the cookies. The Centers for Disease Control offers 5 Healthy ...

  6. Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference is Feb. 8

    conditions during a growing season, it was not an anomaly, meaning producers have to be prepared to deal with ...

  7. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of April 5

    Centers at Piketon, Room 160, 1862 Shyville Road, Piketon. Opportunities for growing bioenergy crops in ... a.m. Webinars designed to help landowners understand the financial implications and tax laws associated ...

  8. What do we do? ‘We grow Buckeyes for life’


  9. OSU Extension: Producers May Need to Supplement Feed to Ensure Successful and Productive Calving Season

    grain byproducts to meet the needs of a mature or growing female under production stress, he said. “Poor ...

  10. Manure Science Review on August 2

    inject it 3 to 5 inches into the soil between the rows of growing corn. The manure in the ground is then ...
