
Search results

  1. Factsheets

    (AS-H-2-22) POULTRY Dynamics of Poultry Diseases – What can be done to prevent diseases? (AS-P-3-22) Avian ...

  2. Canceled- Morning with the Master: Planted Herbs, Now What?

    CLASS CANCELED Join Master Gardener Volunteers as we discuss an overview of growing a variety of ...

  3. University Mental Health Resources

    website at  . The CCS COVID-19 updates page linked to the website is a great ...

  4. Day of Giving 2024: How Scholarships Change the Student Experience

    and supporting community impact the lives of our Buckeyes, and in turn, the future of animal sciences. ... home while growing up consisted of many miles of corn and soybeans, rather than suburbs or city life. ... Growing up on a swine-focused operation, Elaina was exposed to livestock from a young age and credits her ...

  5. Ohio State Equine Center

    outdoor arena and several paddocks with turn-out shelters. The Ohio State University CFAES also has an ...

  6. Notice of Nondiscrimination

    accordance with U.S. civil rights laws and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, PhD, Vice ...

  7. 2024 Veggies and More Tour

    Tour, Growing Local Foods: Urban Farms & Gardens Summer Tour Series. Come to learn about growing practices, ... forget your weeds, disease, and insects—we’ll diagnose what’s going on in your garden, too!  Mondays at ... August 5th: Flying High GROW Urban Farm - 100 Broadway: Enter Broadway+Bryson St, drive to end- August ...

  8. Centers

    Specialist Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Specialist One Health and Public Health Specialist The ... activities. The CFAH research focuses primarily on respiratory and enteric diseases, the major causes of ... disease loss affecting production animals. An additional research focus is on zoonotic diseases, including ...

  9. Highlighting Research: 7 Student, Faculty & Staff researchers and the questions they are answering

    and carbon footprint required to feed a growing human population. “BCVFA have demonstrated positive ... those who care for them through her research on zoonotic diseases. To Lee, the possibility of ... engineering vaccines and performing pre-clinical trials to prevent diseases in food animals is cutting edge ...

  10. Select Sires Member Cooperative Scholarship

    the cooperative and the industry.  This is why it is important to me to be a part of this growing ...
