
Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- October 28, 2013

    AD Update: Extension CD and the West Side Market Throughout much of 2013, the north central CD ... ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: Article published in Journal of Extension: Congratulations to Tom ...

  2. 4-H / Jr. Fair Action & Advisory Committee Elections Update

    As you know the election for 4-H / Jr. Fair Action Committees (Beef, Building 10, Dairy, Dog, Goat, Horse, Poultry/Rabbit, Sheep, and Swine Commitees) and for district representatives to the Extension 4-H Advisory Committee has been underway throughout th ...

  3. New 4-H Volunteer Orientation and Required Advisor Training Update

    Nearly 300 4-H Advisors / Volunteers completed the new required training sessions on Recognizing and Reporting the Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect that our office offered in February!  To assist those who were unable to attend in February we are offering ...

  4. Completed Projects

    Sustainable Comprehensive Land Use Plan This program uses the Sustainable Communities Program as its base to produce a land use plan for the community. Community leaders and professionals work in teams to create the various sections of the plan. Geographi ...
