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  1. Soybean School Focuses on Increasing Yields

    best be used in Ohio. "We have thinner soils in Ohio, we've got disease, we have higher clay ... limitation to soybean yield in Ohio is disease," Watters said. "Anne Dorrance will address ... "Field Crop Insect Update," Ron Hammond, OSU Extension entomologist. "New Generation Soybean ...

  2. Workshop Discusses Nitrogen, Soluble Phosphorus Mobility in Soils

    Indicators to Determine Water Table Depth in Disturbed Conditions,” and an update on Ohio Sewage ... and meeting of the Soil and Water Conservation Society and the Association of Ohio Pedologists Aug. ... 23-24.  The goal of the workshop is to offer ways to improve overall water quality and to lessen or ...

  3. Increase Forage Production and Boost Profits with Livestock Grazing School

    fencing, paddock design, maximizing grazing pastures, forage selection, water management, pasture ... Oct. 19 and Oct. 26 from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. and Oct. 30 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Eastern Brown ... production per acre, thereby increasing farm profits; and it improves water and forage quality. And the best ...

  4. Chow Line: Vitamin B, heart health link is weak

    if you're pregnant or may become pregnant, to prevent-birth defects. A diet that's rich in ... factor for heart disease independent of other factors such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol ... levels. But there were no differences in deaths due to heart disease. Now, scientists wonder if heart ...

  5. OSU Nursery Short Course/CENTS Highlights Ohio Green Industry

    December 3, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The rich tradition of green industry educational opportunities ... Short Course sessions being held on Jan. 21: • 8 a.m.-- Review of 2007 Plant Diseases. • 8 a.m.-- ... requirements for legal use of pesticides. • 8 a.m.-- Turf Disease Control: Learn about the most common turf ...

  6. Proper Proline Management Needed for Effective Results

    fungicide available to farmers that controls a wide variety of crop diseases, including head scab. Head scab ... is a serious wheat disease that attacks the plant during flowering under moist conditions. The ... disease infects the wheat heads, causing shrunken, lightweight kernels, thereby reducing the quality and ...

  7. Cash for Manure? Workshop Looks at Ways to Clean Up Grand Lake St. Marys

    Lake St. Marys-- and in doing it, give farmers a new source of income. “Turning Manure into Ca$h” ... features new technologies for turning livestock waste into sellable fuel, fertilizers and bioresins. It’s ... the results of a bio-oil farm demonstration, and the water quality benefits of removing nitrogen and ...

  8. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Grazing cattle (for the week of Aug. 19, 2001)

    morning or late evening, when the sun is low and bright, cattle turn away from the glare. They don’t ... have any sunglasses. Cattle also turn away from the wind, at least in the winter. It seems cattle, ... “SportsCenter” about to start-- cattle graze as they go somewhere. And they usually go get water together. So it ...

  9. A Gloomy Soybean Crop Looming for Some Growers

    a disease-ridden, nonproductive soybean crop. “We got a late start. We don’t have the heat we need. We are not ... getting as much sunlight as normal and we’ve got all of these disease problems,” said Beuerlein, ... six to eight weeks to go. Things could turn around,” said Beuerlein. But for now growers have to ...

  10. Frogeye, Not Rust, Found in Ohio Soybean Sentinel Plots

    For future updates on frogeye and other soybean foliar diseases, log on to Ohio State ... line of defense against more immediate, threatening diseases. One of those is frogeye leaf spot.   The ... foliar disease, rare in Ohio, was recently identified at one of the 45 sentinel plot locations. ...
