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  1. Student employment process

    and then HR will make any necessary updates to the position if need be (i.e. supervisor, location, ... to be created/updated. 5. Once the position has been approved, HR will draft a letter of offer via ...

  2. IT4U and Self Service updates coming December

    Submitted by Desire Lutsch, There have been updates to the IT Service Desk phone ...

  3. MG Coffee Series-Tomato Management

    favorite garden plant: Tomatoes! What are the best varieties? How do you keep the disease away? What are ...

  4. A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI

    protecting one's turf. Faculty felt threatened by the existence of another program that they feared ...

  5. Revised-Information just updated last week regarding vacation carryovers

    A vacation exception to allow use of accrued vacation over the established maximum carryover amounts as stated in Paid Leave Policy 6.27PDF file has been extended to include every employee whose service anniversary date is between March 22, 2020 through D ...

  6. Tips and Events for the Week of Oct. 29

    Nutrition News Releases- Lawn and Garden News Releases- Livestock News Releases- Natural Resources and ...

  7. Updated Business & Finance Protocols

    Ohio State has implemented new controls on cash reserves and restrictions on procurement spending as financially prudent steps in response to the coronavirus outbreak. ...

  8. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    our neighborhoods are mostly flowerless lawns and evergreen shrubs, it is very important to provide ... zinnias will help provide nourishment as the butterflies fly south. For more information on home, lawn ...

  9. Tips and Events for the Week of Oct. 15

    and updates for this year, as well as issues they may encounter when filing individual and small ...

  10. Academic Affairs staffing update

    Here are the staffing operational changes currently in effect for Academic Affairs. ...
