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  1. OSU Extension Helping Landowners, Communities Handle Shale Gas Issues

    Participants give updates about what's happening regarding shale gas around the state-- and across campus, ...

  2. Study: Consumers Value Safer Food More Than Current Analyses Suggest

    questions." This research was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the University of ...

  3. Farm Science Review Organizers Hope to Reap Benefits of Positive Ag Climate

    information, log on to For the latest news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on ...

  4. Eyeing Ag. Technology at Farm Science Review

    communications. Reza Ehsani, an Ohio State University agricultural engineer, will be on-hand to display an updated ...

  5. Interest in Non-Genetically Modified Soybeans Growing

    The number of non-GM varieties tested is expected to increase for the 2009 trials. For future updates ...

  6. Organic Grain Production an Appealing, Yet Challenging Farming Practice

    fertility, supply nutrients and control insects, diseases and weeds and avoids the use of chemicals, ...

  7. Unusual Weather Yields Variable Berry Production

    Familial Adenomateous Polyposis (FAP), a rare genetic disease characterized by the development of polyps on ...

  8. A Peek into the World Beneath Our Feet

    surfaces can also prevent plant diseases, either by antagonizing pathogens or stimulating the plant's ...

  9. Moldy Grain, Vomitoxin Contamination Putting a Damper on Record Ohio Corn Yields

    avoided plant diseases," said Paul. "Based on the extent of the problem in 2009, most hybrids ...

  10. Ohio State Receives $11.6 Million Third Frontier Award To Turn Crops Into Industrial Products

    genesis to the OBIC concept." High-yield, disease-resistant and high-quality soybean varieties ...
