
Search results

  1. Plant Empowerment Workshop Online

    assistance (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT). Please return to this page for any updates ...

  2. Urban Trees

    speaker, Jim Chatfield, is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, focusing on plant diseases ...

  3. Dean Kress Presents the State of the College

    updates about the college and a SWOT analysis as well as some of the things she has observed in her five ...

  4. Extension Office Closed Update

    Effective through January 15th, all OSU Extension county offices will be closed to the public and employees will be 100 percent teleworking per The Ohio State University guidelines. While our office will be physically closed, we will continue to serve our ...

  5. Ohio Sheep Day- Caldwell, Ohio

    Rd., Caldwell, OH 43724. The day's agenda includes: Eastern Agricultural Research Station Update ...

  6. Livestock Exposure Could Help Babies' Immune Systems

    groundwork for a body’s ability to identify and attack diseases and its resistance to allergies and other ...

  7. ATI’s New Greenhouse Brings Opportunity

    on the event and what the updated facilities make possible.  Read more here. ...

  8. Dr. Lonnie King Begins As Acting CFAES Dean

    Veterinary Medicine and held executive leadership positions for the Centers for Disease Control and ... at Michigan State University (1996-2006). And, he had served as director of the Center for Disease ... Control's (CDC) National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne and Enteric Diseases and led initiatives in ...

  9. Education for a Lifetime

    in the Great Lakes, golf course design and management, turfgrass management, fruit diseases of the ...

  10. Your Kindness Changes the World

    other diseases to battling the opioid epidemic to protecting the environment, CFAES is dedicated to ...
