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  1. November 10, 2018 ABC-2 Monthly Module

    Agenda Video Presentations Antibiotics and VFDs in Aquaculture Common Diseases of Cultured Fish ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Mask Update

    Effective immediately, June 1, 2021: Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at 4-H camp (day or overnight) for ALL employees AND clientele. Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at any OSU Extension (including 4-H non- ...

  3. Beekeeping 101 Classes

    18 - Beekeeping Diseases and Hive Basics November 25 - Basic Beekeeping and Hive Management Beekeeing ...

  4. OSU Fact Sheets

    is an Excellent Investment for Garden, Lawn & Landscape Plants and Commercial Crops Water Quality ...

  5. Ask the Director 11/8/18

    address at the 4-H Professionals' Update on 11/8/18. 1. 2. 3. CAPTCHA This question is for testing ...

  6. New OSHA obligations for a post-COVID 19 world

    the disease at work.  OSHA has been issuing various documents in recent weeks, including an ...

  7. Voices for Food program looking to expand into more counties

    the risks for obesity and diet-related chronic diseases,” explained Dr. Dan Remley, who leads the ... program. “The healthcare costs associated with chronic diseases often further limit people’s financial ...

  8. Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic

    will be held rain or shine. Dress warm for outdoor activities (rugged shoes or boots). Bring a lawn ...

  9. Reminder of Upcoming Deadlines

    Update!  I'm extremely sad that we won't have our traditional June camps but there is talk, ...

  10. A Cup of Coffee with Dr. Dan

    live with the disease. “I was interested in working with it because of my own experiences. Since I have ... include eye diseases, kidney problems, stroke, heart disease, and problems with the nervous system. In ...
