
Search results

  1. Expect more ticks in Ohio this season and beyond

    Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio—Ticks—and the diseases they carry—are on the rise in Ohio this season ... such as anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Lyme disease. And in some cases, in ... fine in a pasture, hayfield, or even your backyard lawn.” McDermott said that while the risk of ...

  2. CFAES Award Recipients from the Office of Research and Graduate Education

    for three journals. He was a member of the update committee for NASEM’s Nutrient Requirements of Dairy ... of beneficial bacteria and biostimulants to increase nutrient use efficiency and improve disease and ... of Eucalypts for disease resistance. His industrial research, prior to returning to college for his ...

  3. Plant Pathology

    Plant Pathology is the study of plant diseases that devastate our crops, forests, and ... diseases, plant science, biology, microbiology, genetics, and soil science as well as diseases of field ...

  4. Landscape, Turf and Ornamental Webinar

    Presentation Speaker 8:30 Log In- (Required)- Webinar overview and requirements  9:00 8- Turf- Turf Pest Update ... Live Commercial Recertification Online Webinars Landscape, Turf and Ornamental January 28, 2021 ... Greenhouse- Spider Mite Management Dr. Luis Cañas, OSUE 10:45 8- Turf Weed- New Products for Grasses and ...

  5. Diversifying Dairy

    believed in me.” Mullen recently began building a new educational facility on the farm. She’s also updating ...

  6. ‘A Greener Future’: Register Now for Ohio Green Industry Short Course

    industry and supports related research and education. Lawn care, tree care, sports turf more Sessions in ... and pesticide use. The sessions will be divided into 12 tracks: Golf, Lawn Care, Sports, Turf and ... The joint event is for people who work in such fields as lawn care, tree care, landscaping, and ...

  7. Lawn Mower Clinic 2023

    LAWN MOWER CLINIC 2023 AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CLUB We are excited to announce that ... the Agricultural Systems Management Club will be hosting its Annual Lawn Mower Clinic! For  $50, we will service ... your  walk-behind  lawn mower over the course of one weekend. Please take note of the dates and ...

  8. Landscape, Turf and Ornamental Webinar

    (Required)- Webinar overview and requirements  9:00 8- Turf- Turf Pest Update Dr. David Shetlar, OSUE 9:35 ... Landscape and Turf, Part 2 Dr. Dan Potter, UK 2:10 8- Turf- Diagnostic and Fungicide Update Todd Hicks, OSUE ... LIVE COMMERCIAL RECERTIFICATION ONLINE WEBINARS Landscape, Turf and Ornamental March 4, 2021 ...

  9. What’s good for your lawn can be good for the water

    Get tips for keeping lawns green and water blue in a newly revised fact sheet from CFAES. Called ... Efficient Lawn Care Practices to Help Protect Ohio’s Waterways, the fact sheet details exactly that—ways to ... get the most out of your fertilizer dollar, make your lawn as healthy as it can be, and prevent the ...

  10. CFAES Award Recipients from OSU Extension

    diseases by mosquitoes. She studies how mosquitoes interact with harmful and helpful microbes, the ... increasing awareness about biting arthropods and the diseases they transmit.  Distinguished Extension Faculty ...
