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  1. Mixing it Up- All About Grazing

    different insects and disease but weed pressure in a mixed field can de difficult without killing either the ...

  2. Managing for High Quality Stored Forage

    plant maturity and plant respiration losses after mowing.  Forage maturity, in particular for our first ... moisture as soon as possible. After mowing, plants continue to respire at a significantly high rate until ... losses include mowing early in the day to maximize sunshine and drying conditions, and very importantly, ...

  3. Dormant Fruit Tree Management

    a good time to look at some disease management options. When we talk about dormancy, we are looking at ... spring. With diseases such as peach leaf curl, applying a fungicide while the tree is dormant is ... are other dormant sprays to help control diseases, such as Phytophthora crown/root/collar rot or ...

  4. IPM Scout Position

    vegetable crops? Are you able to recognize common weeds, diseases, and insect pests? If so, we want you to ...

  5. Conditions Favorable for Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Soybeans

    soybean pathologist, outlines the disease potential and steps growers can take to reduce the impact of ... this disease. The cool nights and wet conditions over the last couple of weeks are very favorable for ... This is particularly concerning if you have a field with history of this disease combined with ...

  6. CFAP 2 Program & Fall Weed Control

    variable. Perennial weeds include ironweed, horsenettle, buckhorn and broadleaf plantains. If mowed in ... herbicides to freshly mowed weeds. Give them time to put out new leaves which will readily absorb the ...

  7. Seed Selection Can Make or Break Your Crop in 2021

    you will find that many catalogs now list traits such as disease resistance. Other features such as ... problems you have dealt with in the past. Being able to correctly diagnose disease or insect challenges ... will help you pick the correct varieties with the appropriate disease and insect resistance or ...

  8. Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me. Or My Cows!

    gnats can cause a plethora of problems on the farm, including the spread of disease and causing undue ... cause, but also because they have been documented to carry anaplasmosis, a blood disease that destroys ... red blood cells, and tularemia, a disease affecting lymph nodes and lungs. The last fly to discuss is ...

  9. Vegetable Growers Outlook: Disease Challenges

    economy. Therefore, it is important to keep up to date on the progression of major diseases affecting ... Medina County.  Downy mildew is a potentially devastating disease of cucurbit crops, but especially ... mildew.  According to Sally Miller, OSU Extension Vegetable Disease specialist, after downy mildew has been ...

  10. 4-H Ramps Up Online Opportunities

    identification, feed identification, diseases, and many other topics. These study guides are an interactive tool ... and we have been keeping our Wayne County 4-H families updated and connected through frequent ... email updates, a frequently asked questions document, and countywide Zoom meetings. Doug Foxx is an OSU ...
