
Search results

  1. Maize Chlorotic Dwarf of Maize

    caused by  Maize chlorotic dwarf virus  (MCDV). The disease (Fig. 1) has been reported from Texas up to ... Missouri and Ohio covering 19 states of the United States and Mexico. The disease caused severe economic ... hybrid, and plant developmental stage at the time of infection. Disease Cycle MCDV is mainly transmitted ...

  2. Clover Mites

    yard and garden lawn and turf life cycle habits identification clover mites Entomology ... They are a nuisance by their presence, but they do not bite humans or animals, transmit disease, nor ... feed on household furnishings or pantry supplies. They feed on various plants and turf outside, but ...

  3. Horse Specialization

    Last updated 6/5/2024 For more information about the AAS in Horse Production and Management, click ...

  4. Prairie establishment and restoration at Waterman

    prairie with annual mowing and weeding by hand. This spring, Williams was able to secure the necessary ...

  5. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot record the number of cases ... and preventing norovirus: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Clean up after ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2023, July 31). Norovirus. Retrieved from ...

  6. The Organic Certification Process for Farms

    nurse or cover crops. Organic disease and pest control focuses on prevention through naturally bred ... disease resistance and crop rotations, with organically approved pesticides allowed, especially for ...

  7. Majors

    Major course sequences are updated each academic year and are provided as a guide for scheduling ...

  8. Predators of Poultry

    Disease Investigation Laboratory, Sara J. Spiegle, B.S., Avian Disease Investigation Laboratory, Teresa Y. ... Morishita, DVM, Ph.D., Dipl. ACPV, OSU Extension–Veterinary Medicine and Avian Disease Investigation ...

  9. Composting at Home

    were previously advised to mow often and let the clippings lay. But composting is now considered an ... excellent alternative. If you have a garden, a lawn, trees, shrubs, or even planter boxes, you have a use ... do not use diseased or infested plants as mulch without composting them first. Yard trimmings such as ...

  10. Freshwater Science: A HABs Primer

    provide updates on the state’s Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative research efforts, as well as the ...
