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  1. Women’s Leadership Academy- Mahaley Nemtuda

    Last week turf club president Elizabeth ‘Mahaley’ Nemtuda (AAS Turfgrass Science and Management) ... representative of the turf program here in Wooster. The brand new initiative is aimed at encouraging diversity in ...

  2. Alumni Career Spotlight: Garrett Caudill

    Beech Bark Disease, and reported data collected from my previous maple internship. In between all these ...

  3. Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know

    Considering all types of AI, the incubation period of the disease can be up to 14 days, but with HPAI ... mortalities can be observed within a few days of infection.  Within the infected house, the disease is spread ... spreads from house to house by wind, workers carrying the disease on their clothing, or by vehicles that ...

  4. Junior Fair Board

    Email Update to Junior Fair Board Members       ...

  5. Post-Harvest Sanitation Steps To Help Prevent Diseases, Insects From Overwintering

    management. For farmers and gardeners alike, there are some steps to take to help prevent diseases and insects ... of production, there is always a risk of over wintering diseases and insects on alternative host ... with allowing insects and diseases to over winter, can help you make decisions to mitigate such risks. ...

  6. Pronoun Sync in Carmen and Zoom

    be making updates to Carmen and Zoom that will allow users’ pronouns to be pulled in from major ...

  7. Colostrum Is Important To Newborn Goats

    Colostrum also contains maternal antibodies that help protect the baby from diseases. It is very important ... to vaccinate pregnant does 3-4 weeks before she is due for enterotoxemia (overeating disease) caused ... frozen goat colostrum. One thing to be aware of is John’s disease that is common in cattle and not as ...

  8. Dr. Martha Belury

    Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk in Adults with NAFLD Martha Belury, PI United Soybean ...

  9. Marketing School Aimed At Helping Farmers Budget Time, Money Practices

    insurance considerations.  The program will conclude with an update of the status of the Farm Bill with Jack ...

  10. Faculty Expertise

    and/or polyphenols to impact inflammation and metabolism in health and disease. Joint appointments in ... foods and health promotion and disease prevention, metabolomics, analytical chemistry, liquid ...
