
Search results

  1. Organic Food and Farming Education and Research Program Public Listening and Planning Session

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. There will be updates on current research, time ...

  2. Supporting Ohio’s $786 million grape and wine industry …

    diseases that pose the biggest threat to Ohio’s industry. She has a Ph.D. in plant pathology from Ohio ...

  3. Online tool that helps protect water is now being made even better

    of Environment and Natural Resources. Through her On-Field Ohio project, she’s working to update and ...

  4. • Suburban Farmstead and Micro Dairy Tour

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  5. • Productive Residential Urban Farm Tour

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  6. Urban Farm Tour- Residential Permaculture & Food Garden

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  7. Urban Farm Tour- Commercial Market Garden

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  8. Urban Farm Tour- Converting Vacant Land

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...

  9. New ‘Critically Sensitive’ Technology Providing Potential for Broad Range of Scientific Discovery

    doors for new discoveries in disease prevention and treatment as well as a wide range of innovative ...

  10. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    a typical suburban lawn to perennial food forests, guilds, woodlands and pasture. Full descriptions of each ...
